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Application Note: Highly selective bioanalytical quantitation method for analysis of R and S amlodipine enantiomers in human plasma using LC-MS/MS

Posted: 5 February 2019 | | No comments yet

Amlodipine is an angioselective calcium channel blocker used to treat high blood pressure, chest pain and other conditions caused by coronary artery disease.

Racemic mixture of amlodipine is used for therapeutic purposes. S amlodipine is the pharmacologically active enantiomer of amlodipine. The use of racemic mixture of amlodipine showed adverse effects like peripheral edema, headache, dizziness, flushing and abdominal pain. Studies have reported these adverse effects are rarely associated with S Amlodipine. R and S enantiomers of amlodipine exhibit different pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Here we present a Selective LC-MS/MS method, developed to monitor concentrations of R and S enantiomers of amlodipine in human plasma to evaluate the pharmaceutical equivalence for both racemic and S amlodipine formulations of amlodipine. 

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