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Whitepaper: Analyzing tablets by NIR spectroscopy

Posted: 1 June 2017 | | No comments yet

Drug analysis needs to be costeffective without compromising on accuracy. Near-infrared spectroscopy is a useful part of the pharmaceutical analysis toolbox. This report illustrates two examples of what it can do…

Near-infrared spectroscopy allows the analysis of many physical and chemical parameters – simultaneously and within just a few seconds. Using two examples, this report illustrates what the technique can do for the pharmaceutical industry.

Drug analysis needs to be cost-effective without compromising on accuracy. This is an important principle for both routine quality control and the identification of potentially harmful counterfeit medicines.

Near-infrared spectroscopy, or NIRS for short, is a useful part of the pharmaceutical analysis toolbox – and a winning choice thanks to the minimal time and labour resources it consumes, as well as the fully automated online analyses it offers. Not only that, but it also takes simultaneous analysis of multiple substances in its stride.


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