Whitepapers/App Notes/Posters

Whitepaper: Advantages of Online 2D UPLC for MRM Quantification of Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies in Serum

Posted: 2 April 2014 | | No comments yet

This application note demonstrates the development of a two-dimensional chromatographic assay for the quantification of trastuzumab, providing up to a three-fold increase in sensitivity compared to 1D LC/MRM.

LC/MS/MS provides unique advantages compared to other techniques used to study the pharmacokinetics of biotherapeutics. Waters offer best-in-class tools for biotherapeutics bioanalysis, including robust sample preparation protocols, the resolution and sensitivity of UPLC instrumentation and columns designed for protein separations, and high-sensitivity tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry.

This application note demonstrates the development of a two-dimensional chromatographic assay for the quantification of trastuzumab, providing up to a three-fold increase in sensitivity compared to 1D LC/MRM. Additionally, high pH/low pH RP/RP separations can significantly reduce analyte suppression.

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