
Whitepaper: High-temperature filters for sterilization and depyrogenation processes

In sterilisation tunnels the need for filtration is of the utmost importance. Choosing the right filter can have an effect on production yield.

In the life science industry, hot air up to 350 °C is utilized in static ovens and depyrogenation tunnels to sterilize glass vials, ampoules, and cartridges before they are aseptically filled. The hot air for this process is typically filtered through special high-temperature HEPA filters (HT filters) before it is distributed in a unidirectional airflow through the tunnel. The choice of the right HT filters is critical to ensure consistent and optimum product safety.

Download this whitepaper to discover:

  • Sterilization and depyrogenation processes
  • Influence of endotoxins on biological applications
  • Why HEPA filtration is needed
  • Industry demands
  • Testing for integrity and performance


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