ebook: Spectroscopy and materials characterisation applications for pharmaceutical analysis
Posted: 12 February 2021 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | No comments yet
In this ebook, discover innovative solutions for three core areas of drug development: drug formulation, scale-up and analysis with hot melt extrusion; quality control and validation using microscopic and spectroscopic instruments; and instrumentation for nucleic acid quantification and qualification.
During the drug development pipeline, pharmaceutical manufacturers face numerous challenges associated with formulation, scale-up and quality control. A deep understanding of these challenges is key to enable the quick delivery of next-generation drugs to market.
Thermo Fisher Scientific has innovative solutions at every stage of the development process, including discovery, development, clinical, manufacturing and quality control. This ebook contains a series of posters specifically focusing on drug formulation, scale-up and analysis; quality control and validation; and nucleic acid quantification and qualification.
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