Whitepapers/App Notes/Posters

Whitepaper: Considerations in support of achieving successful double blinding and removing bias with over encapsulation

Posted: 11 September 2020 | | No comments yet

This whitepaper explores critical factors for over-encapsulation success. DBcaps® capsules offer a convenient option for blinding in clinical trials.

Over-encapsulation is a powerful tool which will be widely used throughout clinical trials for years to come. Patient-centric efforts of manufacturers and trial sponsors have forged a path for innovative products such as DBcaps®, to ensure the integrity of their study and avoid bias. Consideration must be given to the capsule’s compatibility with encapsulated products – dissolution, diffusion and stability studies are essential elements of selection. HPMC capsules offer a range of development benefits that complement traditional hard-gelatin capsules. This increases accessibility for sponsors and gives them greater flexibility and product compatibility when selecting their dosage format. We understand and control every step of over-encapsulation—from material selection to manufacture—and will leverage a simple, efficient means to flexibility and success in your double blinded clinical trials.

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    This content is provided to you for free thanks to the kind support of our sponsor: Lonza

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