
QbD applications for lipid-based pharmaceutical products

Supported by:

22 June 2017

Supported by:

22 June 2017

Capsugel webinar lipd-based formulations

In this webinar, Capsugel experts discussed the application of Quality by Design (QbD) to lipid-based formulations (LBF).

QbD applied through scientific approaches to the development and finalisation of LBF commercial processes can shorten project timelines while reducing risks and gaining valuable product knowledge.

Case studies demonstrating the application of QbD principles to complex product development and process transfer projects utilising both liquid-filled hard capsule (LFHC) and soft gelatin capsule technology will be presented.

Keynote speakers

Vincent Bechtel, Manager, Tech Transfer & Innovation, Capsugel

Vincent Bechtel Capsugel webinar speaker

Vincent Bechtel is leading the Pharmaceutical Technology Transfer and Innovative Technology Introduction Department at Capsugel, France. Vincent brings more than 15 years of experience in both chemical and pharmaceutical industry with various positions such as Project Engineer, Project Manager and Technical Services Manager.

Alyn McNaughton, Technical Director, Capsugel

Alyn McNaughton Capsugel webinar speaker

Alyn has 25 years’ experience in pharmaceutical development. He is currently Technical Director for liquid-fill hard capsule technology at the Capsugel Edinburgh site.

Supported by Capsugel

Capsugel designs, develops and manufactures a wide range of innovative dosage forms for the biopharmaceutical and consumer health and nutrition industries. Their unique combination of science, engineering, formulation and capsule expertise enables customers to optimise the bioavailability, targeted delivery and overall performance of their products. They are partnered with more than 4,000 customers in over 100 countries to create novel, high-quality and customised solutions that align with their customers’ evolving needs and benefit patients and consumers.
Find out more: www.capsugel.com

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3 responses to “QbD applications for lipid-based pharmaceutical products”


    Very interesting one. Thanks.

  2. Heeralal says:

    Interested in QbD

  3. Emily Huang says:


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