
Purity determination of pharmaceuticals by thermal analysis

Supported by:

4 February 2016

Supported by:

4 February 2016

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is the most widely used thermal analysis technique. A well-established application is the purity determination of organic substances. The method is based on the van’t Hoff law of melting point depression of eutectic systems. Purities between 90 and 100 mol% can be reliably determined. Purity determination is used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries and also for additives in the food and plastics industries. 

In this webinar, we discuss the basic principles of DSC purity determination and present some interesting applications.

Keynote speakers

Nicolas Fedelich, Senior Applications Specialist, Thermal Analysis

Fedelich NicolasNicolas Fedelich is an application specialist for thermal analysis at Mettler Toledo. With a background of chemical engineering in France, he worked in different laboratories to implement, develop and validate analytical methods in the pharmaceutical and environmental fields. Before joining Mettler-Toledo, Nicolas Fedelich worked for three years as field support for on-site training and to ensure customers satisfaction by advising them on their applications. In 2009 he joined Mettler-Toledo AG and has worked there since as application specialist for Thermal Analysis. In his present position he uses, teaches and supports DSC, TGA, TMA and DMA instruments.

Dr. Markus Schubnell, Senior Applications Specialist, Thermal Analysis

Markus Schubnell was awarded a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Bern in Switzerland. From 1988 to 1998 he worked as research fellow at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. Dr. Schubnell’s main field of research was solar energy. From 2001 to 2011 he was a lecturer in physics and statistics at the University of Applied Sciences in Northwestern Switzerland. From 1998 to present, Dr. M. Schubnell has worked as a scientist in the department of Thermal Analysis of Mettler-Toledo.


Mettler Toledo is a global manufacturer and marketer of precision instruments for use in laboratory, industrial and food retailing applications. The Company has strong worldwide leadership positions. A significant majority of our instrument sales are in segments in which we are the global leader. In addition to a broad product offering, we have one of the largest global sales and service organisations among precision instrument companies.
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