Limit ultrapure water system costs and downtime using Ozonia ozone technology

Ultrapure water is a critical input component of pharmaceutical products. The technology used for disinfection, cleaning and sanitation affects ultra-pure water system design and has an impact on facility productivity, production costs and downtime.
In an increasingly regulated and competitive business environment, ozone technology solutions help your company to continuously protect ultrapure water production processes and achieve compliance goals.
Ozone technology is a widely accepted and recognized method for disinfection of ultrapure water for pharmaceutical processing applications as well as semiconductor, cosmetics and personal care product manufacturing. Ozone has been proven as a reliable technique for disinfection and sanitation applications where minimum downtime to remove bio-burden is required.
The goal of this webinar is to familiarize companies with the applications and benefits of ozone technology in ultrapure water systems and Ozonia Membrel® electrolytic technology – SUEZ’s ozone product that produces ozone directly from water instead of gaseous air or oxygen.
Electrolytic ozone technology has advantages over alternative disinfection technologies:
- Water is the input for electrolytic ozone generation
ozonia MEMBREL electrolytic ozone technology uses water as the input to generate ozone. A proprietary SUEZ electrode separates oxygen from hydrogen in water and recombines the oxygen to form ozone. The ozone and water mix is then returned to the water loop. Water quality is not affected while it is disinfected. There is no potential for water contamination because chemicals or other compounds are not introduced.
- Ozone provides continuous disinfection
Continuous ozone oxidation disinfects and prevents contamination and the creation of biofilms. Continuous oxidation provides more stable water quality over time that facilitates faster and less frequent sanitization cycles. Online disinfection also allows quality control departments to remotely monitor the ozone in the water loop at all times. As a result, ozone technology allows longer periods between sanitization cycles since contamination and biofilms never build to levels that impact performance.
- Ozone provides easy water loop sanitisation
The sanitization process is greatly simplified using electrolytic ozone technology. To begin sanitization, the ozone destruction process is stopped. Without ozone destroyed, ozone moves freely through the entire water loop. One entire ozone technology sanitization sequence is around four hours, after which normal production can begin by resuming ozone destruction prior to points-of-use.
Key learning points
- Get an introduction to ozone technology in pure water, ultrapure water and water for injection (WFI) applications
- Learn from case studies on ozone technology applications in pharmaceutical manufacturing
- Learn best practices for ozone technology design and integration in pharmaceutical manufacturing processes
- Understand regulatory changes in European pure water, ultrapure water and water for injection (WFI) applications.
Benoit Laplagne, Commercial Projects Manager, SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions

Benoit Laplagne is the Commercial Projects Manager at SUEZ Water Technologies and Solutions focusing on Ozonia ozone system business development. Mr. Laplagne has extensive sales and channel management experience in roles including sales director in the design/build, membrane technology and ozone technology divisions at SUEZ.
Dr. Winfried Speuser, Sales Director, Heyl Neomeris
Dr. Speuser holds a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Bonn and completed his Post-Doctoral work at the University of Oxford. Dr. Speuser’s specializations include electrolytic ozone technology for pharmaceutical water applications and ozonation processes for water disinfection. Dr. Speuser experience includes sales and consulting roles and is now the Sales Director at Heyl Neomeris based in Germany.