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Physicochemical failure modes for first-line therapy Narrow Therapeutic Index (NTI) drugs: a call for attention NTI risk classification and New Prior Knowledge

2 July 2021 | By , , ,

In this article, Dr Harsh Shah and colleagues summarise their research into the importance of characterising physicochemical characteristics that can result in stress-induced solid-state changes in Narrow Therapeutic Index (NTI) drugs.


O-glycan analysis of therapeutic proteins enabled by O-glycoprotease

29 June 2021 | By , ,

Glycosylation of therapeutic proteins is important to biologic drug development and is a critical quality attribute that is monitored during manufacturing. Analysis of O-glycans is technically challenging compared to that of N-glycans. In this review, Xiaofeng Shi, Saulius Vainauskas and Christopher H Taron summarise current O-glycan analytical approaches, describe the…