Video: Fast BET assay Setup – See it in Action
See how QC analysts can easily set up fully compliant 21-sample BET assays in 9 minutes with less than 30 pipetting steps.
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See how QC analysts can easily set up fully compliant 21-sample BET assays in 9 minutes with less than 30 pipetting steps.
Want easy automation of BET assays and high throughput? Watch the video to see fast BET assay setup with centripetal microfluidic automation.
Explore the cost comparisons, risk reduction, and increased support that arise when using Sievers Certified Reference TOC Standards.
This application note addresses the TOC limit changes in USP for packaged water. The new limits account for varying container volumes.
With 16 reactors at 1mL, The Crystal16 enables scientists to determine solubility curves, assess dispersion stability and critical solution temperatures.
Grow X-ray quality crystals to make ensure you aren’t losing useful chemical information. Access diverse crystallisation methods with the CrystalBreeder!
This worksheet can be edited to include specifications discovered during your evaluation of Alternative Rapid Microbiological Method Technologies.
12 August 2021 | By Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Automating your solid-state screening process enables you to perform the crystallisation experiments with just a small amount of effort.
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A collaborative project will develop automated manufacturing controls for biologics such as antibodies, viral vectors and vaccines.
Enhance your early stage solid state screening with the CrystalBreeder bench-top system.
Learn here how to identify polymorphic transformation by using Raman and the Crystalline instrument.
A new perspective of digital transformation in a terminal sterilisation process of medical devices such as syringes used for Covid-19 vaccination.
With companies acknowledging the value of their data, it becomes increasingly important that data integrity be assured – and data stewardship implemented. In this article, Ian Harrow and Thomas Liener, Consultant Project Managers at The Pistoia Alliance explain the importance of the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data principles, factors…