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Charles River microbial solutions

8 May 2019 | By

Those who work in QC know that the job is more than a box to be checked, and that it can’t be done effectively without confidence in the reported results. Tight timelines, regulatory demands, and stringent data integrity standards can make it hard to focus on what’s really at stake…


Elemental impurities testing and specification limits – ICH Q3D

22 December 2018 | By

The introduction of ICH Q3D (Guideline for Elemental Impurities)1 was an additional safety-based guidance for toxic impurities that complemented the existing ICH Q3C(R5) (Impurities: Guideline for residual solvents)2 and ICH M7(R1) (Assessment and control of DNA reactive (mutagenic) impurities in pharmaceuticals to limit potential carcinogenic risk);3 as well as the…