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ICH guidelines



Approval of regulatory starting materials

27 October 2020 | By

There are significant interpretational differences between the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s guidance on active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) starting materials. In this article, Dave Elder explores the ambiguity in guidance from both agencies and addresses why industry struggles to identify and justify starting materials…


European Pharmaceutical Review Issue 5 2019

28 October 2019 | By

Within this issue is an analysis of the impacts that low temperature can have on protein aggregation, a discussion on maintaining the safety and quality of medicines when delivered using drones and an exploration of chromatographic techniques used to identify impurities in radiopharmaceuticals. Other articles focus on regulatory non-compliance, excipients…


Foreword: The evolving pharmacopoeia

29 February 2016 | By

Globalisation has facilitated greater international harmonisation and standardisation of quality standards, which in turn has impacted on pharmacopoeias1. Historically, general chapters were developed based on input from local regions with little concern for global consequences. This often led to the development of similar, but unidentical tests, for example, Residue on…


The application of skip testing to drug substance manufacture

29 February 2016 | By Phil Borman, Simon Bate and Keith Freebairn, GlaxoSmithKline

Skip testing is a process employed to reduce the analytical drugs testing burden and lends itself to processes with high frequency batch production. Rather than test all batches within a given interval, pre-selected batches are assessed and the other batches ‘skipped’. This reduction is justified as it is shown that…


Foreword: Importation testing: an unnecessary burden on industry?

22 October 2015 | By ,

One of the principle objectives of the Internal Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) initiatives was to introduce harmonised approaches, prevent duplication and eliminate wasteful and unnecessary testing. Although good progress was made initially, there was evidence that certain countries, regions and trans-national organisations were unhappy with some of the proposed harmonised…


What does quality mean to you?

3 July 2014 | By

An effective quality risk management (QRM) process ensures proactive identification and control of potential issues that may arise during development and commercialisation. Where quality is defined as the degree to which a set of intrinsic properties of a drug product, its underpinning manufacturing process, and any supporting processes fulfils the…


Pharma development and manufacturing with QbD 2.0

3 July 2014 | By José Menezes, Institute of Biotechnology and Bioenginerring, IST, Universidade de Lisboa / Francisca Gouveia and Pedro Felizardo, 4Tune Engineering Ltd

Pharma and BioPharma industries are aware of the impact of production processes on sustainability of business operations. To improve performance, companies have recognised that it is necessary to better understand the drivers of both costs and revenues and the actions that can be put in place to address them.