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Approaches in subcutaneous delivery of monoclonal antibodies

24 August 2016 | By , , ,

Currently, subcutaneous delivery of therapeutic proteins is a fast-growing field, especially for such established modalities as monoclonal antibodies, which require large quantities of drug to be administrated. Different approaches, including high protein concentration, speciality formulations and drug delivery matrices, as well as devices enabling a more rapid administration of larger…


Current activities of the USP general chapters

24 August 2016 | By

From a microbiological perspective, pharmaceutical products fall into two categories – nonsterile and sterile. For both categories manufacturers must eliminate, or minimise, potential health risks to patients related to microorganisms and the toxins they produce, whilst maintaining product quality. Many contributing factors may affect the quality of a medicine or…


New third-party audit scheme for excipient suppliers

22 October 2015 | By Iain Moore, President, EXCiPACT asbl

There has always been a regulatory requirement for pharmaceutical manufacturers to audit their starting material suppliers, but the expectations are even clearer now that these audits, including those for excipients, have to be in vivo. With increasing requirements for physical audits, can all pharmaceutical companies address the number of audits…


The SSPC: leading the way for next-generation medicines manufacture

3 September 2015 | By Benjamin K. Hodnett, Anita R. Maguire, Pat J. Guiry, Ake C. Rasmuson, Brian Glennon and Abina M. Crean - SSPC

The Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre (SSPC), a global hub of pharmaceutical process innovation and advanced manufacturing, is funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and Industry, and represents a unique collaboration between 22 industry partners, nine research performing organisations and 12 international academic collaborators. It is a €42 million…


The scope of PAT in real-time advanced control of tablet quality

20 April 2015 | By Ravendra Singh, Marianthi Ierapetritou and Rohit Ramachandran: Rutgers University

Continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing together with process analytical technology (PAT) provides a suitable platform for automatic feed-forward/feed-back (FF/FB) control of the end product quality as desired by quality by design (QbD)-based efficient manufacturing. The precise control of the quality of the pharmaceutical product requires proactive, corrective actions on the process/raw material…


Pharmaceutical salts of small molecule drugs: opportunities and challenges

28 October 2014 | By Axel Becker, Scientist, Merck KGaA

Over the past decades, pharmaceutical drug development has undergone some significant changes, a prominent example for this being the emergence of biomolecular drugs (New Biological Entities, NBEs) such as antibodies and peptides. However, classical small molecule drugs (New Chemical Entities, NCEs) are far from being a dying species, and in…


Novel methodologies for determining the mineral content of complex multivitamin tablets

5 September 2014 | By Ryan Gosselin & Nicolas Abatzoglou, Pfizer Industrial Research Chair, University of Sherbrooke / Philip Quinn, Pfizer Industrial Research Chair, University of Sherbrooke and Process Analytical Sciences Group, Pfizer Canada / Joanny Salvas & Jean-Sébastien Simard, Process Analytical Sciences Group, Pfizer Canada

Pharmaceutical product manufacturing is a conservative environment because of the obligations to abide by rigorous operation protocols aimed at insuring the highest possible product quality. A relatively recent initiativeguidance, from the U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has encouraged innovation and development of PATs (Process Analytical Technologies) for improved process…


NMR – Recent developments for isotope profiling

3 July 2014 | By

Fraudulent misrepresentation, substitution or imitation of premium products has always been a problem for both the regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry. The task of finding and preventing counterfeit products is particularly challenging1,2. Several analytical techniques are available to help characterise pharmaceutical compounds: physical profile; X-ray diffraction; infrared spectroscopy; mass…


Pharmaceutical powders characterisation – the need for a multivariate approach

3 July 2014 | By Brian Armstrong and Katrina Brockbank, Freeman Technology

Powders and bulk materials are widely used in industry as raw materials, intermediates and finished products. Indeed, over 60% of the value of pharmaceutical sales worldwide is accounted for by powder formulations, typically as tablet/capsule/sachet or in the form of an inhalable powder. Whilst they are used extensively, they are…