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Non-clinical dose formulation considerations

15 December 2017 | By

Designing appropriate non-clinical safety studies requires thoughtful, and sometimes experimental, consideration of the delivery methodology for the therapeutic. The choice of formulation affects drug release and absorption and has a direct impact on the pharmacokinetic profile and associated response of the model system. The formulation should be compatible with the…


Improving the consistency of MDI drug delivery

25 February 2017 | By

A defining characteristic of inhaled drug delivery is variability in the dose received by the patient, as a result of physiology, for example, or the technique applied during use. This variability directly affects clinical outcomes so reducing it to a minimum is an important goal for the industry...


Put it to the test

10 January 2017 | By Charles Ischi AG | Kraemer Elektronik

EPM talks to Charles Ischi about the best approach to selecting testing equipment for oral solid dosage applications...


Hot melt extrusion processing for the development of sustained release products

15 April 2014 | By Dennis Douroumis, Reader in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Greenwich and the Director of Centre for Innovation in Process Engineering and Research

Hot Melt Extrusion (HME) has attracted increased interest for the development of pharmaceutical dosage forms over the last decade. It is a versatile processing technology which produces extrudates in the form of solid dispersions and solid solutions. Among the various applications, HME has been adopted for the development of sustained…