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Application note: Rapid identification of illicit drug substances using thermal desorption coupled with a portable toroidal trap GC/MS system

1 July 2017 | By

This study describes the injection, separation, and identification of 16 drugs compounds in less than 10 minutes using portable gas chromatograph-toroidal ion trap mass spectrometry (PerkinElmer, Torion® T-9 Portable GC/MS) combined with a coiled-wire-filament (CWF) sampling injector to provide an effective tool for onsite analysis of illicit drugs substances...


Scientific Poster Gallery 2017

29 June 2017 | By

In this supplement, we've brought together a collection of interesting posters from leading companies in order to celebrate cutting-edge research in the pharmaceutical industry and to share with our readers some of the varied work being carried out by their colleagues...