OGT Introduces New Array CGH Interpretation Software
7 April 2010 | By
Oxford Gene Technology, has introduced its new CytoSure™ Interpret software, for faster and easier translation of oligo aCGH data into meaningful results...
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7 April 2010 | By
Oxford Gene Technology, has introduced its new CytoSure™ Interpret software, for faster and easier translation of oligo aCGH data into meaningful results...
7 April 2010 | By
Oxford Gene Technology (OGT), the pioneer of microarray-based technologies, has introduced the high resolution CytoSure™ DMD array...
1 April 2010 | By
ACEMBL is the first fully automatable pipeline for the production of multi-protein complexes, developed by researchers at the EMBL on the Freedom EVO® platform from Tecan...
29 March 2010 | By
Urgent meetings are being held by the financial leaders of American Healthcare companies in the wake of Obama’s Healthcare Reform being passed 219 – 212.
26 March 2010 | By
Cisbio Bioassays (www.htrf.com), a member of IBA group and global developer of HTRF® (Homogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence) technology and services used in assay development and drug screening, announced that it has introduced six multi-mode cell lines to its expanding Tag-lite® cellular platform...
25 March 2010 | By
The Experimental Nephrology laboratory at University Hospital Münster, is using an Infinite® M200 microplate reader from Tecan to help investigate regulation of membrane transport in the kidneys...
25 March 2010 | By
Clinical Reference Laboratory Inc, now offers its clients a completely integrated and optimized infrastructure to support their global clinical trials following the establishment of an additional laboratory...
11 March 2010 | By
At Respiratory Drug Delivery (RDD) 2010, April 25 – 29, Florida, USA, Freeman Technology will highlight the unique insight the FT4 Powder Rheometer offers DPI formulators...
11 March 2010 | By
Copley Scientific, sponsor of the Scientific Poster Session & Technology Exhibit at Respiratory Drug Delivery (RDD) 2010, will showcase the company’s new DUSA shaker at this event....
9 March 2010 | By
FOSS NIRSystems, Inc. is pleased to announce that a new NIR article on the subject: Monitoring Viable Cell Density in Bioreactors Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy has been published...
4 March 2010 | By
Syngene, is pleased to announce its G:BOX EF gel documentation system is being used by scientists in a prestigious plant breeding centre at Aberystwyth University in Wales to help map the DNA and RNA from commercially important forage crops...
5 February 2010 | By
TTP LabTech has launched its new contract screening service based around the company’s HCS technology, the Acumen® microplate cytometer...
29 January 2010 | By
Synbiosis, a world-leading manufacturer of automated microbiological systems, is delighted to introduce ProcUV, its new UV imaging accessory for the ProtoCOL 2 system...
9 December 2009 | By
Syngene, is delighted to announce its GeneGnome dedicated chemiluminescent imaging system, has been used since 2003 to help successfully study the role of proteins in cell division...
8 December 2009 | By
Synbiosis, a world-leading manufacturer of automated microbiological systems, announced its ProtoCOL 2 system for colony counting and inhibition zone analysis has been upgraded to allow rapid statistical analysis of flu and bacterial vaccine potency and antibiotic susceptibility testing results...