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OFEV® (nintedanib*) approved in the EU for the treatment of IPF

19 January 2015 | By Boehringer Ingelheim

Boehringer Ingelheim today announced that the European Commission (EC) has approved nintedanib* for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), following an expedited review and positive CHMP opinion on 20 November 2014. Nintedanib* will be marketed in the EU under the brand name OFEV®...

Perjecta (pertuzumab) and Kadcycla (trastuzumab emtansine) remain available through Cancer Drugs Fund, but Avastin (bevacizumab) denied

13 January 2015 | By Porter Novelli Limited

Roche welcomes the announcement from NHS England that patients can continue to access our breast cancer medicines Perjeta, Kadcyla and Avastin via the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF), but is extremely disappointed that patients with advanced bowel and ovarian cancer will now be denied Avastin on the NHS, following their review…