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Global dual-drug trial aims to advance HIV treatment

16 August 2016 | By ViiV Healthcare

ViiV Healthcare is undertaking two identical studies as part of a global phase III programme comparing a two-drug regimen of dolutegravir plus lamivudine, with a three-drug regimen of dolutegravir (Tivicay), plus the fixed-dose tablet tenofovir/emtricitabine (Truvada), to support regulatory filings as a treatment for HIV, for adults who have had…

Biomarker breakthrough could improve Parkinson’s treatment

16 August 2016 | By University of Florida

Scientists have found that using magnetic resonance imaging reveals areas where Parkinson’s disease causes progressive decline in brain activity, a biomarker discovery which will help to evaluate new experimental treatments to slow or stop the disease’s progression...

NICE recommends thousands to receive £2-a-day anti-clotting drug

15 August 2016 | By National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

A higher dose of ticagrelor is already recommended for 12 months after a heart attack. Now new draft guidance is recommending it is continued in these people at a lower dose for a further three years to reduce their risk of a further heart attack or stroke...

Sanofi sends half a million dengue vaccines to high risk Brazilians

15 August 2016 | By Sanofi

Results of the study affirm the vaccine's consistent efficacy in reducing dengue in two-thirds of the study participants, aged 9 and older. It also documents the ability of the vaccine to prevent 8 out of 10 hospitalisations and up to 93% of severe dengue cases in this age group during…

Depression symptoms in remission after correcting metabolic deficiencies

12 August 2016 | By Niamh Louise Marriott, Digital Content Producer

Searching for answers through a series of biochemical tests, the scientists discovered that the patient had a cerebrospinal fluid deficiency in biopterin, a protein involved in the synthesis of several brain signalling chemicals called neurotransmitters. After receiving an analogue of biopterin to correct the deficiency, the patient's depression symptoms largely…

Acacia Pharma’s antiemetic drug prevents post-op nausea and vomiting

12 August 2016 | By Acacia Pharma

Acacia Pharma’s phase 3 trial, comprised of 568 patients, compared two doses of Baremsis (amisulpride injection, formerly APD421), a dopamine D2/D3 antagonist antiemetic, against placebo in patients with established nausea and/or vomiting after surgery (PONV), who had not previously received any prophylactic antiemetics...

FDA approves IDE study for bone graft substitute, Cerament G

10 August 2016 | By Niamh Louise Marriott, Digital Content Producer

Bonesupport’s Fortify study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of Cerament G as part of surgical repair of open diaphyseal tibial fractures. The trial will enrol up to 230 patients at up to 30 centres globally, with the aim of having at least 50% of the study data coming from…

MSD’s Hepatitis C drug given green light for EU market

9 August 2016 | By MSD

Following successful phase 3 clinical trials, in which MSD’s new Hepatitis C drug, Zepatier, performed well, achieving high virologic cure rates across the study, the European Commission has licensed the drug for sale in the European market, specifically for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) in adults with…

NHS Scotland approves Novo Nordisk’s diabetes drug

9 August 2016 | By Novo Nordisk

The drug was approved using evidence from three phase III studies in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus and five phase III studies in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The researchers discovered that insulin degludec was non-inferior to other long-acting insulin analogues, assessed by the mean change in glycosylated…