US sanctions on Iran creating critical drug shortage
Posted: 1 August 2019 | Victoria Rees (European Pharmaceutical Review) | No comments yet
The Middle Eastern country has a limited supply of vital medication needed for conditions such as cancer due to US trade blocks.

The current US sanctions that prevent American medicine being exported to Iran have created a critical medicine shortage in the Middle Eastern country.
Tougher sanctions were imposed on the country after the US pulled out of an accord last year. Although officials in Washington insist that medicines are exempt from trade blocks, restrictions on trade have still created a shortage of drugs.
Medicines produced in Iran are being sought after, but high costs keep them from reaching patients.
Although official reports state that Iran produces 95 percent of the basic medicines it requires, sophisticated and life-saving pharmaceuticals are imported. Doctors in Tehran say they have low stock of a vital chemotherapy medicine needed to treat cancer patients.
Last week, Health Minister Saeed Namaki said budget cuts, because of the drop in crude exports, have dramatically impacted his department.
“The American claims that medicine and medical equipment are not subject to sanctions is a big and obvious lie,” Namaki said.
At the G20 summit in Japan last month, President Donald Trump said there is no timetable to end trade blocks on Iran.
Banking sanctions on the country also prevent transactions to the country, blocking any donations from abroad including those approved by the US Treasury.