Trend barometer Chemspec Europe 2019 closes with record in visitor numbers and exhibition space
Posted: 10 July 2019 | Chemspec Europe 2019 | No comments yet
The 34th and, so far, biggest edition of Chemspec Europe attracted a total of 4,295 trade visitors from 53 countries to the exhibition grounds of Messe Basel, Switzerland. From 26 to 27 June 2019, a total of 379 exhibitors from 27 countries presented their innovative substances on a record net exhibition space of 6,369 m2. With topics such as custom synthesis, nanotechnology and the booming start-up scene, the International Exhibition for Fine and Speciality Chemicals, once again, showcased the full potential of the fine and speciality chemicals industry.

“We are pleased with the results of this year’s Chemspec Europe which reflect the positive outlook of the fine and speciality chemicals industry. For international trade visitors, Chemspec Europe has become a key event to stay up-to-date with current trends and the latest findings in R&D, form strategic partnerships, and meet with top decision-makers as well as innovative start-ups”, says Liljana Goszdziewski, Exhibition Director of Chemspec Europe, on behalf of the organisers, Mack Brooks Exhibitions.
A total of 4,295 trade visitors from 53 countries visited Chemspec Europe 2019, which is an increase in visitor numbers by 2% compared to the previous event. With a total of 7,001 attendees from all over the world, the specialised industry event further increased its overall attendance (exhibitors, visitors, press and conference delegates) by 4% compared to the 2018 show in Cologne.
Visitors of Chemspec Europe 2019 came from a total of 53 countries; primarily from Germany (29%) and Switzerland (23%), followed by France, the UK, India, Italy, the Netherlands, China, Spain, Japan, Belgium and the USA.
The provisional results of the exhibition survey show that most visitors came from the following industries: fine chemical industry, agriculture, plastics, pharma, cosmetics, toiletries and personal care, petrochemicals, water treatment, paints & coatings, polymers, food & feed ingredients as well as adhesives & sealants.
The majority of visitors were manufacturers, distributors, raw material suppliers or equipment suppliers and work in research and development or for consulting firms. The main responsibilities of the visitors within their companies were senior management, purchasing and procurement and production/ process management. Visitors were particularly interested in the following products and services: custom synthesis, chemical intermediates, catalysts, pharmaceuticals, general chemicals, agrochemicals, household chemicals and industrial chemicals.
A total of 379 exhibitors showcased the full spectrum of fine and speciality chemicals for a large range of applications and industries on a record net floor space of 6,369 m2. Compared to the previous event this represents an increase in net exhibition space of 4% and an increase in exhibitor numbers of nearly 6%.
The major European exhibitor countries were Germany, the UK, Switzerland, France and Belgium. Non-European exhibitors mainly came from India, China and the USA.
Trend barometer and extensive conference programme
A highlight of this year’s show was the “Innovative Startups” conference, organised in cooperation with BCNP Consultants. In line with the extensive conference programme, more than 15 start-ups presented their innovative ideas, substances and approaches in the fine and speciality chemicals industry. From “Biotech Fine Chemicals” to “Scalable Synthesis of Complex Peptides” and “Polyoxazolines: the next generation biomaterials”, these conference sessions were well received and visitors gained valuable input.
Visitors of this year’s show had the opportunity to attend a total of 74 conferences and workshops covering several topics. In cooperation with renowned partner organisations, the conferences did not only offer insights into trends and prospects, but also encouraged exchange and networking with international industry colleagues. The conference programme included the “Agrochemical Outlook Conference”, sponsored by AGROW, as well as the mentioned “Innovative Startups” conference. In the Pharma Lecture Theatre, several speakers gave lectures on trends, challenges and outlook of the pharmaceutical industry, including a presentation given by Dr Magid Abou-Gharbia, Moulder Center for Drug Discovery Research, and the “Pharma Outsourcing Best Practices Panel”. Furthermore, the conference programme included the two-day “RSC Symposium” of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the “Regulatory Services Conference”, organised by REACHReady, as well as the “Crop Protection & Fine Chemicals Forum” held by EFCG (The European Fine Chemicals Group).
For the first time, Chemspec Europe featured a new NanoTECH Pavilion, which exclusively highlighted companies and organisations from the nanotechnology industry. The dedicated on-site area offered visitors of Chemspec Europe 2019 an attractive opportunity to explore the latest nanotechnological innovations and discuss bespoke solutions with industry experts.
High re-booking rate among exhibitors for Chemspec Europe 2020 in Cologne
An initial evaluation of the exhibition survey revealed that exhibitors, visitors and conference delegates were highly satisfied with the show. A large majority of exhibitors already secured their stands for Chemspec Europe 2020 whilst on-site. As a result, approximately 80% of the total net floor space is already booked and reserved for the upcoming exhibition.
Chemspec Europe 2020 will take place from 27 to 28 May 2020 in hall 8 of the Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany.