Internet of Medical Things providers tap growth opportunities
Posted: 11 August 2017 | Dr Zara Kassam (European Pharmaceutical Review) | No comments yet
Internet of Medical Things is an amalgamation of medical devices and applications that can connect to healthcare IT systems using networking technologies…

Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is an amalgamation of medical devices and applications that can connect to healthcare IT systems using networking technologies, the analysis covers product-centric and process-centric functions of the technology.
“Sharing of medical data or transmission of medical data through the cloud is a recent trend and is gaining traction, even in developing nations, with the healthcare industry becoming digitised,” observed Frost & Sullivan TechVision Industry Analyst Bhargav Rajan. “IoMT will accelerate the development of advanced medical devices that can seamlessly transfer structured information to electronic health records more efficiently than existing technologies.”
While the benefits are many, IoMT has inherent IT security vulnerabilities that expose highly sensitive data to cyber and phishing attacks. Technologists are attempting to resolve this issue by employing block-chain technology, which enables a highly secure, decentralised framework for data sharing. Using a combination of artificial intelligence and block-chain technology, companies can keep an audit trail of all transactions. Predictive modelling used in combination with big data analytics can reduce healthcare costs and improve patient experiences and outcomes.
“Blockchain technology in IoMT will allow patient records to be automatically fed with real-time data of the patients, which will subsequently be sent to healthcare providers over a secure network through a web-enabled platform,” said Mr Rajan. “Through this process, personalised care can be delivered to a patient in a remote location.”
Meaningful insights accrued from the range of connected medical devices and monitoring tools can help patients make lifestyle changes or better manage an existing disease, and simultaneously aid clinicians by facilitating decision making.