Presentation videos from the World’s 1st International Pharmaceutical seminar on Transmission Raman Spectroscopy available online
Posted: 27 January 2016 | | No comments yet
Videos of the presentations from the world’s 1st TRS seminar for quantitative pharmaceutical analysis can be viewed on demand…

Videos of the presentations from the world’s 1st TRS seminar for quantitative pharmaceutical analysis can be viewed on demand at
More than 70 delegates from across the globe gathered in Oxford in December for the first ever international seminar on the use of Transmission Raman Spectroscopy (TRS) in quantitative pharmaceutical analysis.
Hosted by Cobalt, the seminar featured presentations from experienced transmission Raman users at Actavis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen, GSK and AbbVie, with a regulatory perspective presented by the UK’s Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Dr Julien Villaumié from Actavis UK presented the keynote lecture on how they obtained regulatory approval for content uniformity methods using TRS.
Transmission Raman spectroscopy (TRS) is an alternative to HPLC for tablet & capsule content uniformity testing and an alternative to ssNMR and XRPD for high-speed, low detection limit polymorph quantification. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are increasingly using Cobalt’s TRS100 system in R&D and production environments because of the benefits it offers: TRS takes seconds per sample, is robust to sample variation, needs no preparation, solvents or consumables and saves significant cost and resource per batch.
This TRS seminar is part of a series of recent news items and publications featuring TRS and Cobalt’s TRS100 system:
- Cobalt will be exhibiting and demonstrating the TRS100 at Pittcon in Atlanta – 6-10 March 2016. The Pittcon program features a Cobalt TRS presentation – “Transmission Raman Spectroscopy as a Regulatory-Approved Method for Content Uniformity Analysis – Replacing HPLC” – read more
- The July 2015 edition of European Pharmaceutical Review featured an article from Actavis UK describing their regulatory approval process for content uniformity testing using transmission Raman spectroscopy and the TRS100 – read more
- A Cobalt paper published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis describes – for the first time – comprehensive quantification of tablets with multiple active pharmaceutical ingredients using transmission Raman spectroscopy – read more