PSL support Singapore increasing pharmaceutical manufacturing
Posted: 10 December 2015 | | No comments yet
Powder Systems Limited (PSL), an international award-winning manufacturer of filtration, drying and high containment isolators for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries, recently delivered several advanced process installations in Singapore…

The first project consists of a pilot scale pressure agitated nutsche filter dryer (ANFD) and a discharging isolator achieving a DOEL (Design Occupational Exposure Limit) of less than 1 microgram per meter cube 8 hours Time Weighted Average.
This discharging isolator allows a full recovery of the dried product from a 0.125m² filtration area vessel, sampling without process disruption, powder dispensing and packing off within a safe and contained environment for the protection of both the operator and the product.
The offloading glovebox of the ANFD was designed for the end user with specific requirements linked to the production room where the installation was planned. The entire system consisting of the Filter Dryer and its Discharging Isolator needed to be lowered and mobile to fit in to the room. PSL provided a unique system of raising and lowering the complete installation with the Isolator still fitted to the Filter Dryer. To do so the lower chamber used during packing off of the final product can be disconnected as well as the filter dryer plate, both fitted with castors to be wheeled easily. Then the installation can be lowered automatically via a hydraulic system from a 3.28m height during operation to 2.15m during transport.
As part of a new batch extension hall at the same manufacturer, PSL also installed a 0.6m² Filter Dryer and Discharging Isolator with the same features as the aforementioned pilot plant ANFD. This installation was also unique and instead of a mobile lowering mechanism, this large scale facility was fixed but supplied with a platform. This addition allows operators to feed products from the top lid nozzle of the vessel with a local control box and have visibility via a sight glass. With the filtration area being much larger, this Filter Dryer has a bayonet style filter plate. This allows for an automated raising and lowering of the filter plate for maintenance, thanks to a hydraulic system.
PSL installed these advance contained filtration and drying facilities in 2015, part of the expansion of one manufacturing pharmaceutical plant in Singapore.
PSL has also installed a 1m2 Scalping Filter in Singapore this year. This large scale filter is used to recover and treat the filtrate of a slurry coming from another vessel. The filtrate is dissolved with purified water and waste liquid can then be recovered for a more manageable waste treatment. PSL’s unique features include a minimum gap between the agitator and the filter plate, removal of the agitator for maintenance is easy and compact as well as greatly reducing the overall height required for access above the vessel. The Filter Plate is a single piece with no screws or bolts for optimum cleanability and its design allows for interchangeability between filtration media materials.
PSL has been exporting to Singapore since 1990 and more installations are planned for 2016 in this growing pharmaceutical and chemical market. To support this demand, PSL will open a new office in Singapore for a faster response time to local user requirements.