Curo receives the Queen’s Award for Enterprise
Posted: 9 July 2015 |
Market Access Consultants Curo have received the highest accolade given to British businesses, the Queen’s Award for Enterprise…

Market Access Consultants Curo have received the highest accolade given to British businesses, the Queen’s Award for Enterprise.

The team at Curo
Her Majesty’s representative, the Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, visited Curo Consulting’s offices in Marlow to present the award in person. The team have also been invited to Buckingham Palace.
Established in 2002 by Dr Jonathan Mowll and Chris O’Neill, the Buckinghamshire based company develops and designs App based tools for the pharmaceutical Market Access sector.
The last three years have seen Curo’s export earnings grow by 684%; strong trade with North America is particularly significant to the company’s success, and Curo have recently expanded the team at their New York office to help support this key market.
“Our success – like any business – relies upon a solid hardworking team at its core” says Jonathan Mowll. “We’re all immensely proud and to be presented with this award is a great honour.”
“We identified a gap within the pharmaceutical industry and developed a uniquely proactive way for our clients to work” explains Chris O’Neill (Curo CEO) “Our export growth is driven by a strategy of actively demonstrating our products and services on the pharmaceutical stage worldwide.”
Curo’s breakthrough came with the launch of PayerLogic
Curo’s ethos of collaboration has been a significant factor in growth and success. “Very soon after we started providing consulting services within the Pharma sector, we saw there was often a mismatched approach between Pharmaceutical companies and Health Care Providers which was resulting in lost opportunities for both parties,” says Chris “What we bring is a new, collaborative approach.”
The Curo breakthrough came with the launch of PayerLogic, a software application that combines Health Economic modelling with a value narrative to show what impact a therapy can have in a given disease area. “We didn’t set out to launch software per-se,” continues Chris, “but there is a real need for an application that allows our clients to implement our innovative approach to communicating directly with Payers. It’s been really well received and we’re constantly blown away by the positive feedback from the teams that we work with.”
Established in 1966, The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are the UK’s most prestigious business awards, given only to companies or individuals who are outstanding in their field. The winners, announced on the Queen’s birthday, have demonstrated that their business has achieved substantial growth in overseas earnings and in commercial success through outstanding achievement over three years.