Reducing risk from bacterial endospores in aseptic preparation supported by Cherwell
Posted: 15 June 2015 |
Cherwell aids additional training opportunities for cleanroom biodecontamination…

Cleanroom Biodecontamination explained
Cherwell Laboratories, specialist providers of products for process validation and environmental monitoring, have highlighted their ongoing support for the education and training of staff in aseptic production facilities – particularly given current focus on reducing risk from bacterial endospores in aseptic preparation. Summer 2015 will provide several opportunities for the discussion of new MHRA guidelines for Specials Manufacturers 1, regarding the development of best practice for the transfer disinfection process and potential alternatives.
Cherwell Laboratories will be attending two events spotlighting these new guidelines in July. On the 1st July Pharmig present Sporicides – As Part Of Your Transfer Process. This one day course will be run in Solihull in conjunction with the NHS and is aimed at staff that monitor, run or work in an aseptic facility. The annual 4-day CPD accredited course Aseptic Preparation and Dispensing of Medicines (APDM), starts on the 6th July. Organised jointly by the NHS, Technical Specialist Education and Training (TSET) and the University of Leeds, the course is designed to extend the knowledge of personnel working in licensed and unlicensed aseptic units.
At both of these events Cherwell Laboratories will be on hand with experts to discuss environmental monitoring, sporicidal disinfection, and process validation. Cherwell’s exhibition stand will present some of the tools and materials on offer including Redipor® prepared media, SAS microbial air samplers, Mar Cor Dry Fog microbial decontamination and Mar Cor sporicidal disinfectants.
Andrew Barrow, Sales Manager, Cherwell Laboratories, who will be attending the events, commented, “Aseptic production in NHS pharmacies is critical to patient safety and a key focus area for Cherwell. The autumn conference season will almost certainly also feature discussion of this critical area and we at Cherwell Laboratories will continue to support and contribute wherever it is appropriate.”
For more information about Cherwell Laboratories, please visit or follow @CherwellLabs on Twitter.
- MHRA Guidance for Specials manufacturers (Section 3.5.20), January 2015. Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulations Agency (MHRA).