World’s largest and fully integrated healthcare exhibition tHIS announces further expansion
Posted: 4 March 2015 |
The Health Industry Summit, EXPO and Congress (tHIS) held in May in Shanghai announced further increases in size to reach 280,000sqm ahead of its grand opening…

The Health Industry Summit (tHIS), already the largest integrated health industry event in the world incorporating the most established Pharmaceutical and Medical events in Asia, has announced inclusion of 2 new shows covering Nutrition and Natural Health – NHNC and the Analytical Testing, Laboratory Equipment – Lab Expo. With the new inclusions and expansions to sold out segments, The organiser Reed Sinopharm have increased the exhibition area from 260,000 sqm to 280,000 sqm. Also, the projected number of professional visitors has been revised up from 150,000 to over 200,000 due to the strength of visitor pre-registration. Undoubtedly, the expansion of tHIS marks the world’s first and largest fully integrated exhibition that brings the entire industrial value chain under one roof and unveils a new chapter in China’s massive healthcare industry.
A record breaking 250,000 exhibiting and visiting professionals will descend on Shanghai arriving from 140 countries and all corners of China. While the congregation of so many healthcare professionals is impressive, the gathering of so many high level business travelers will test the capacities of Shanghai’s stared hotels and modern transport system. Meanwhile the newly built show venue, the cutting edge National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) also gets ready for its first Mega B2B event since construction.
One stop shop for changing business trends
The theme for this very first edition of tHIS is “Convergence”. The 3 main exhibitions within the show, China Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF), PharmChina and the API China were already leading events in their fields, but now with the total of 8 healthcare exhibitions integrated into one mega event, the show will provide an unique one stop solution for the International traders and end buyers with a complete range of products, technology and services that is much more than a convergence of individual exhibitions but reflecting the shifts in the industry.
The vertical and horizontal integration of the healthcare industry is changing in mode and function. The new complete industry value chain comprises the upstream and downstream integration of Active Pharma Ingredients (API), intermediates and preparation sectors as well as the mutual integration of pharmaceuticals and medical devices businesses. This new integrated model of the Chinese healthcare industry is empowering businesses to respond to clinical needs with comprehensive solutions including prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
New shows extend value chain coverage
Natural health and Nutrition China (NHNC), is the largest exhibition for nutrition in Asia. By joining the mega event and riding on positive policies on product certification, NHNC has now doubled in size to nearly 10,000 sqm this May. Many globally renowned brands have been attracted to NHNC due to its strong synergy with pharmaceutical and commercial resources at PharmChina. For domestic companies in the healthcare business, NHNC has empowered them to expand their market share in the nutrition supplements market.
At the second addition, Test, Laboratory Equipment and Biotech Exhibition (Lab Expo), organised by Sinopharm International Shanghai Co Ltd, visitors will witness exchange of production processes as well as analysis technology for improved pharmaceutical output. Spread over 1,500 sqm within tHIS, this exhibition will feature renowned domestic and international enterprises who will demonstrate products and processes to ensure safety and efficiency of drug development.
Owing to the overwhelming response from global exhibitors and visitors this year, tHIS will be held in Shanghai every spring. Not only will tHIS play an important role in the growth and development of the full-integrated Chinese healthcare industry, it will also inject new vitality into key sectors such as investment policies, research & development (R&D), manufacturing and distribution, clinical practices, educational initiatives and complementary service industries.