Screening Europe, 17-18 February 2015, Berlin, Germany
Posted: 13 November 2014 | | No comments yet
SELECTBIO is delighted to announce that Screening Europe is back…

SELECTBIO is delighted to announce that Screening Europe is back. The conference will be covering many subjects, with the first session being Phenotypic Screening. We are pleased to welcome our Keynote Speakers in this area: David Swinney from the Institute for Rare and Neglected Diseases Drug Discovery. David will discuss applying phenotypic screening to drug discovery and its value. Gerardo Tucatti from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne will present on label-free cellular imaging applications and their integration in the screening strategy. Our third and final Keynote Speaker, Lorenz Mayr, AstraZeneca, will be talking in the Cell Based Models for HCA session; his talk will centre around AstraZeneca’s use of cell lines derived from human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells in drug discovery.
The conference will also focus on academic drug discovery, novel approaches to imaging and data analysis for high content screening and RNAi screening; we will hear from experts in their various fields and where their research has led them.
Other Speakers:
- Jens Peter von Kries, Head of Screening, FMP/Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology
- Jani Saarela, Operational Manager, Screening Unit, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland
- Kamyar Hadian, Head, Assay Development and Screening Platform, HelmholtzZentrum München
- Robin Ketteler, Group Leader, University College London
- Miguel Mano, Scientific Manager, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
- Peter Horvath, Group Leader, Hungarian Academia of Sciences
- Cedric Gaggioli, Baby Team Leader, IRCAN
- Neil Carragher, Principal Investigator, University of Edinburgh
- Frank Buchholz, Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Urban Liebel, CTO, ACQUIFER - Stephen Brown, Screening Manager, University of Sheffield
The Conference will be co-located with the Flow Chemistry Europe and Discovery Chemistry Congress. All registered delegates will have access to all three conferences, providing excellent value for money.
The following Training Course will be held in conjunction with Screening Europe:
Good Practice in Developing (Cell-based) Assays will take place on 16 Feb 2015, at 13.30-17.00. The Course Tutor will be Eberhard Krausz, Expert Discovery Biology, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV. More information about this training course, including costs, is available on the website.
The conference and training course will be taking place at the Hotel Berlin, Berlin; a perfect blend of traditional and contemporary designs, in the heart of the city centre.
For more information on the event please visit the website.