Bio-Day, a technology seminar focused on Life Science
Posted: 3 July 2012 | | No comments yet
HORIBA Scientific, organizes its first Technology Seminar focused on Life Sciences…

HORIBA Scientific, world-leader in scientific instrumentation, organizes its first Technology Seminar focused on Life Sciences.
This one-day event will be dedicated to introducing recent applications in Life Sciences. A series of presentations from key users will be followed by discussions and demonstrations of the instruments with a team of experts.
One event, two locations
- 18 October 2012, Paris – France
- 6 December 2012, Basel – Switzerland
Topics covered
- Label-free analysis of molecular interactions
- Rapid bacterial/cellular phenotyping
- FRET (life time) characterization of drugs, proteins, DNA…
- Membrane/Interface characterization
- Size and charge analysis of nano-particles
The seminars are free of charge, but registration is required.
For more information and registration, visit
Register now to Bio Day!
Contact: [email protected]