
International regulators pledge support to combat COVID-19

The EMA has announced its support for the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities’ call for global collaboration in the fight against COVID-19.

COVID-19 coronavirus

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has endorsed a joint COVID-19 statement published today by the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) committing to a strengthening of global collaboration in the fight against the COVID-19 coronavirus.

“The COVID-19 pandemic affects the whole world and the best way to fight it is through globally concerted actions,” said Guido Rasi, Chair of ICMRA and EMA’s Executive Director. “Our collaboration as regulators is crucial to increase the efficiency of regulatory processes and decision-making that will facilitate rapid development, approval and global roll-out of safe and efficacious medicines against COVID-19.”

In their joint statement, regulatory authorities from around the world reiterate their call to action for governments and the international research community to prioritise large, well-designed, controlled clinical trials because they argue these are most likely to generate the robust evidence for the safety and efficacy of proposed therapies for COVID-19 needed for decision-making by regulators. They emphasise their commitment to a global approach to achieve equitable access around the world to therapeutics and vaccines against COVID-19 and they also call on the pharmaceutical industry to step up their co-operation on therapeutics development and jointly address drug supply issues, shortages and decreased manufacturing capacities.

The development of a joint COVID-19 statement follows a series of meetings, organised by EMA under the umbrella of ICMRA in March and April, to discuss the global efforts to expedite and streamline the development and approval of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.

According to the EMA, progress will be monitored, discussed with all ICMRA members and reported in the coming months.

2 responses to “International regulators pledge support to combat COVID-19”

  1. Dr.Nidhi Verma says:

    Hi .Dr.Nidhi Verma.I want to be become for this pledge.

  2. I will fight against covid 19

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