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Analytical techniques



The scope of PAT in real-time advanced control of tablet quality

20 April 2015 | By Ravendra Singh, Marianthi Ierapetritou and Rohit Ramachandran: Rutgers University

Continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing together with process analytical technology (PAT) provides a suitable platform for automatic feed-forward/feed-back (FF/FB) control of the end product quality as desired by quality by design (QbD)-based efficient manufacturing. The precise control of the quality of the pharmaceutical product requires proactive, corrective actions on the process/raw material…


HPLC: On-chip liquid chromatographic separation

17 April 2015 | By

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a powerful separation technique due to its high accuracy, precision, versatility and robustness. In the development of pharmaceuticals, it is no doubt that LC is a key technology in the quality control of pharmaceuticals and pharmacokinetic studies and in the analysis of complex biological compounds…


Application Note: Raman Analysis of Pharmaceutical Ingredients

12 January 2015 | By

A range of options is available for Raman analysis, including systems suitable for handheld, laboratory and educational applications. Systems typically include a spectrometer, laser, operating software and sampling accessories, while modular options are available for users to configure their own Raman systems. Setups are available for various wavelength ranges and…


Screening: In-Depth Focus 2014

5 January 2015 | By

This free-to-view Screening In-Depth Focus is packed with articles that will give you a greater understanding of interesting topics such as the identification of compounds that protect against free radicals, advancements in sandwich immunoassay techniques and hit validation and optimisation...


PAT: In-Depth Focus 2014

5 January 2015 | By

This PAT In-Depth Focus explores current challenges posed by the slow uptake of Process Analytical Technology within the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. The advantages of incorporating PAT into the pharmaceutical process are highlighted in two informative articles, and possible solutions to its lack of popularity surmised...