Wanted: clever minds!
10 September 2015 | By Shimadzu
‘lab4you’ program for young scientists / Laboratory space available for research / Brief abstract for application...
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10 September 2015 | By Shimadzu
‘lab4you’ program for young scientists / Laboratory space available for research / Brief abstract for application...
8 September 2015 | By HORIBA Scientific
HORIBA Scientific, global leader in Raman spectroscopy solutions, announces an innovative solution that addresses the challenges of TERS imaging...
8 September 2015 | By Tecan
Phenomenex, Inc. and the Tecan Group (SIX Swiss Exchange: TECN) today announced a collaboration to co-market automated solid phase extraction (SPE) sample preparation solutions...
In Issue #4 2015: NGS, Informatics, Spray Drying, Excipients, Rapid Methods, NIR, PAT, Regulatory Insight and much more...
In this NIR In-Depth Focus: Challenges with NIR reflectance measurements of solid pharmaceuticals, Application of NIR spectroscopy in linking velocity profiles of a binary granular system...
3 September 2015 | By Cenk Undey, Tony Wang, Bryan Looze, Yingying Zheng and Myra Coufal - Amgen
Predictive monitoring is a key feature of biopharmaceutical manufacturing; making predictions about the key process end points such as process performance indicators or quality attributes using a process model offers the unique advantages of process improvement and optimisation, and helps give insights into variability.
In biopharmaceutical laboratories, there is a growing need for high-throughput, yet sensitive methodologies to characterize deubiquitylase enzymes (DUBs) and DUB inhibitors...
This application note covers some new trends in bioprocess monitoring and control focusing on the increasing use of Kaiser Optical Systems Raman spectrometers as multi-measurement bioprocess sensors to enable quality by design, process optimization, process control and continuous processing...
10 August 2015 | By Mettler Toledo
METTLER TOLEDO is pleased to introduce two new products to the Thermal Analysis Premium portfolio, the DSC3+ and TGA/DSC 3+, for superior results on the most demanding applications...
7 August 2015 | By Wickham Laboratories Limited
Join us for a discussion on Rapid Screening Techniques, October 1 3PM London/10AM New York...
31 July 2015 | By Cobalt Light System
Cobalt is hosting the first ever seminar on the use of Transmission Raman Spectroscopy (TRS) in quantitative pharmaceutical analysis...
Clinical laboratories requiring high-throughput separations for their LC-MS assays now have access to a new four-channel, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system designed to increase the productivity and efficiency of clinical sample separations, while freeing valuable bench space.
13 July 2015 | By Sciex
Simplifying peptide quantification with automated optimisation of MRM transitions and advantages of Micro flow LC to maximise LC-MS performance...
13 July 2015 | By METTLER TOLEDO
In this webinar, we discuss the basics of calibration and adjustment in thermal analysis whilst offering some useful tips and hints...
9 July 2015 | By Victoria White
Researchers have been studying what happens when different chemotherapy drugs come in contact with the silver coating on catheters with surprising results...