Application Note: In-line Raman spectroscopy for content uniformity
Raman monitoring of blended granule uniformity prior to tablet press...
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Raman monitoring of blended granule uniformity prior to tablet press...
The aim of Quality by Design (QbD) is to build quality into a product and process from the outset. The pharmaceutical and related industries utilise powder blending operations to make solid dose drugs, yet the phenomena of powder mixing is the least understood of all sciences.
Raman spectroscopy offers a rapid, convenient method for positive identification of pharmaceutical products and their raw materials – on the manufacturing floor, in inventory, and at the shipping dock.
Heated crystalline pharmaceutical compounds undergo morphological changes that can be observed under a microscope. With hot-stage microscopy changes in melting points and ranges or crystallisation can be visualised for research and QC purposes in order to influence drug stability or effectiveness...
Determining CPP’s in DoE using Eyecon particle characteriser and Multieye Multipoint NIR.
Monitoring the stability of the API under high humidity is critical to verify that the polymorphic active form remains intact. Being very chemically selective to subtle changes such as polymorphic forms, Raman spectroscopy is used to monitor and understand the stability of ingredients...
14 January 2016 | By DiscoveRx
DiscoveRx Corporation announced the expansion of its PathHunter cell-based assays portfolio with the release of PathHunter Checkpoint Assays...
DiscoveRx Corporation, the leading supplier of innovative cell-based assays and services for drug discovery and development, announces the expansion of its PathHunter® cell-based assays portfolio with the release of PathHunter Interleukin cell-based assays.
MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry, a phenotypical RMM for microbial identification, is a unique, highly accurate alternative method that facilitates cost-effective, precise and rapid data acquisition.
11 January 2016 | By Anna L. Dunn, Analytical Research and Development, Pfizer, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin / Anna Codina, Bruker UK Limited / David A. Foley and Mark T. Zell, Analytical Research and Development, Pfizer
In this work, we demonstrate the complementarity of NMR and infrared (IR) spectroscopy and show the use of NMR to improve the understanding and robustness of the synthesis of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) precursor...
In digital version of Issue #6 2015: Microbiology, Screening, PCR, Continuous Manufacturing, PAT, Regulation, and much more...
Our Application Notes & Whitepapers supplement covers a wide variety of applications, from NMR, biosensors, Raman spectroscopy and QC to hot-stage microscopy...
6 January 2016 | By Caroline Richards
In this Screening In-depth Focus: High-content screening accelerates discovery rates in the life sciences; Phenotypic screening using 3D tissue culture and whole animal assays; Screening Roundtable...
Featuring an overview of process analytical control; Beyond API monitoring: in-line Raman spectroscopy for process control; Monitoring, understanding and assessing pharmaceutical process and product quality; and a PAT roundtable...
4 January 2016 | By HORIBA Scientific
Joint HORIBA and AIST-NT solution provided spatial resolution below 15 nm...