Application Note: Quality manufacturing solution – interfacing with third-party systems
Most organisations that are looking to implement a new LIMS or replace an aging one have a significant investment in a number of information systems.
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Most organisations that are looking to implement a new LIMS or replace an aging one have a significant investment in a number of information systems.
Many bioanalytical labs work with a crowded and siloed set of systems and processes. From part electronic to part paper-based workflows, to standalone point-solutions, the result is a lack of insight into data and slower reporting and results handling.
The use of micro pillar array columns (μPAC™) for characterising antibody-drug conjugates is presented. Kadcyla® (ado-trastuzumab emtansine) and, for comparison, Herceptin® (trastuzumab) tryptic digests were analysed on a 200 cm μPAC™ C18 column and peaks eluting were detected by ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy and high-resolution mass spectrometry (MS).
Big data covers every facet of our working life. Every aspect of pharmaceutical research and development involves the generation of huge quantities of data, with the expectation that we can turn this information rapidly into useful knowledge, which in turn can be used to make ‘data-driven’ decisions to better understand…
Designing a robust cleaning process for pharmaceutical drug manufacturing is critical to successful cleaning validation and verification.
Raman spectroscopy is an analysis technique that provides a “molecular fingerprint” of the sample, enabling analysis of chemical composition and molecular structure without sample preparation. As a measurement technique, Raman imparts many benefits in applications from laboratory discoveries to feedback-control in manufacturing.
The purpose of process development in pharma is to select and optimise a synthetic route to produce the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) by the safest, cheapest, fastest, and cleanest (by green chemistry where possible) route, following both Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and Quality by Design (QbD) principles.
A sprayable gel containing calcium carbonate nanoparticles with antibodies targeted to block CD47, could be the future of drug delivery for cancer...
HPLC is a rapid, accurate and sensitive method for determination of pharmaceutical drugs, degradations and impurity profiling. It is a preferred method for analytical characterisation during drug development.
The screening of leukaemia cells for drug susceptibility and resistance are bringing scientists closer to patient-tailored treatment for AML...
Oxybutynin could help breast cancer survivors who are affected by increased hot flushes through cancer treatment, improving their quality of life...
The US FDA has announced that it will confirm the capability of five more countries to carry out good manufacturing practice (GMP)...
Research into detecting tau proteins in the brains of Alzheimer's patients has shown that a specific tracer could detect and measure the protein levels...
A phase III clinical trial showed that neoadjuvant chemotherapy and trastuzumab reduced the risk of recurrence of HER2-positive early-stage breast cancer...
A team of Iranian researchers have determined that trastuzumab taken with a heart drug leads to less heart damage in breast cancer patients...