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Mostafa Eissa (Hikma Pharmaceuticals)



Eissa M. Microorganisms and a new horizon of scientific discoveries. European Pharmaceutical Review. 2017;3:68-70

12 July 2017 | By

References 1. Madigan M, Martinko J, Parker J. Brock biology of microorganisms. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall/Pearson Education; 2003. 2. Extremophilic Bacteria and Microbial Diversity [Internet]. 2016 [cited 21 July 2016]. Available from: /raven06b/enhancementchapters/raven30_enhancement.html 3. Muruga, Bancy N. The diversity of extremophilic bacteria in Lake Magadi, Kenya.…


Microorganisms and a new horizon of scientific discoveries

29 June 2017 | By

The simplest form of life is composed of single-celled microorganisms which are thought to have appeared around 3.5x109 years ago.1 Interestingly, evidence has shown that chloroplasts and mitochondria were once free-living microorganisms that became incorporated into eukaryotic cells and eventually became energy-producing organelles.1 Biodiversity enables microorganisms to survive in extreme…