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Regulatory non-compliance business interruptions

29 October 2019 | By

Loss of manufacturing capability as a result of regulatory non-compliance can have a devastating impact on biopharma or medical device manufacturers. In this article, Jenny Yu shares real-life examples from the industry and highlights the downstream effects of these business interruptions.

European Pharmaceutical Review Issue 5 2019

28 October 2019 | By

Within this issue is an analysis of the impacts that low temperature can have on protein aggregation, a discussion on maintaining the safety and quality of medicines when delivered using drones and an exploration of chromatographic techniques used to identify impurities in radiopharmaceuticals. Other articles focus on regulatory non-compliance, excipients…

Developments in stability testing and evaluation

4 September 2019 | By , , , , , , , ,

The Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group (JPAG) held a stability meeting at the Royal Society of Chemistry’s headquarters in London earlier this year. Attended by 65 delegates, its focus was on developments in stability testing and evaluation. Here follows a summary of the presentations made at the meeting.