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Computational prediction of microRNA and targets

29 September 2008 | By Russell Grocock, Principle Bioinformatics Scientist, GSK

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small (~21nucleotides), evolutionarily conserved, noncoding RNA molecules that regulate gene expression1. In mammalian genomes, conservative predictions suggest that between 500-1500 miRNAs exist. There miRNAs appear to be capable of regulating the expression of multiple genes, with many genes appearing to be regulated by multiple, different, miRNAs2. Less…

There is more to qPCR than the PCR reaction

29 September 2008 | By

The polymerase chain reaction is arguably the most significant technical discovery yet to have been made in the field of molecular biology and genetics, if not all life science. It cannot be overstated how much of an impact this technique has had, resulting in molecular biology becoming an integral part…

A unique theme conference and exhibition in the MicroRNomics

29 September 2008 | By

On 3-4 November GeneExpression Systems, Inc., USA and the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom jointly present the Third International MicroRNA Europe 2008 Meeting on MicroRNAs: Biology to Development and Disease. 30 speakers will present the latest developments in the microRNA field. 20 poster presentations and 20 exhibit booths will also…

Quest for a new generation of biomarkers using quantitative proteomics

29 September 2008 | By

Advances in proteomics have constantly altered our understanding of cell biology and biochemistry by providing new approaches and techniques to identify complex proteomes, protein-protein interactions and post-translational modifications. Additionally, proteomic approaches are believed to have enormous potential for discovery of disease biomarkers that can provide diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic targets…

Biomarkers Roundtable

29 September 2008 | By

European Pharmaceutical Review invited three individuals to discuss current ideas and issues surrounding biomarkers and their possibilities.

Applying automation in early drug discovery: lessons learnt and future perspectives

29 September 2008 | By

An issue that the drug discovery industry has faced over the past several years has been that whilst the number of targets in their portfolios has increased and the level of investment across all Research & Development functions has risen, the likelihood of discovering suitable chemical starting points for medicinal…

Europe’s premier event for Drug Discovery

29 September 2008 | By

This year's Leading European Event for Drug Discovery – MipTec 2008 – moves from spring to autumn and will be held on the 14-16 October 2008 at the Congress Centre Basel, Switzerland.

Addressing kinetic applications in High Content Screening

29 September 2008 | By

Traditional drug discovery screening assays tend to employ simplistic endpoint assays that often monitor the activity of a single target. While these approaches are amenable to high-throughput screening they provide limited information on how candidate drugs influence complex biological systems that exist in vivo. Such limitations are a contributing factor…

Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Progress in culture and maintenance

29 September 2008 | By

The pharmaceutical industry is at a crossroads: Research and Development costs continue to rise, whilst the pipeline of ‘blockbuster’ drugs is looking decidedly sparse for many of the major pharmaceutical companies. This state of affairs is compounded by the high attrition rates (>80%) of drug candidates, when they get to…

Europe’s leading biotech industry event

29 September 2008 | By

BIOTECHNICA in Hannover is the leading event within the European biotech industry. It embraces every segment of biotechnology - from basic biotechnology and equipment, bio-informatics and services to the five major areas of application...

Recent development in Rapid Microbiology Methods

29 September 2008 | By

Microbiology is the scientific study of micro-organisms and includes many sub disciplines like bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology: all characterized by the study of organisms too small to be seen by the naked eye. This defining aspect has determined the focus of microbial research over the last century: the need…

A significant comparison between collapse and glass transition temperatures

29 September 2008 | By Eva Meister and Dr. Henning Gieseler, Division of Pharmaceutics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Rational freeze-drying process design is based on a representative and accurate measurement of the critical formulation temperature. To avoid product shrinkage or collapse, it is indispensable to control the product temperature just below this key temperature during primary drying. Over the last decades, DSC was routinely used to determine the…

Successful Process Analytical Technology (PAT) implementation in pharmaceutical manufacturing

29 September 2008 | By Thirunellai G. Venkateshwaran (Senior Director, New Products Quality, Global Quality and Compliance), John Levins (Senior Director, Technology Transfer & Process Innovation) and Stephen P. Simmons (Head of New Product Quality and Quality by Design), all Wyeth Pharmaceuticals

The use of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) while a relatively new concept to the Pharmaceutical Industry has been a tried and tested concept in the petrochemical industry for many years. The adaptation of PAT systems by the Pharmaceutical Industry was accelerated by the recent initiatives of the regulatory authorities globally…

Product and Process Optimization

29 September 2008 | By

The Università Degli Studi di Siena, Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico Tecnologico; Societa' Chimica Italiana, Divisione di Chimica Industriale; Center for Process Analytical Chemistry at the University of Washington, Seattle; and IFPAC have planned an exciting conference on Process and Product Optimization to be held from 5-8 October 2008 at the Certosa…

P-MEC Europe: where technology meets ambition

29 September 2008 | By

The Pharmaceutical Machinery and Equipment Convention, P-MEC was first held in Madrid in 2005 and has since rapidly grown into a must-attend event for both sellers and buyers of pharmaceutical processing and manufacturing equipment.