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Microbiology: Mould contamination in pharmaceutical drug products and medical devices

15 December 2013 | By

Invasive fungal infections associated with high mortality rates are common in hospital settings, especially in intensive care units where patients may be immune-compromised, subject to invasive procedures and treated aggressively with antibiotics. The most common nosocomial fungal infections in descending order are due to the genera Candida, Aspergillus, Rhizopus, Fusarium…

Process systems engineering (PSE) in the pharmaceutical industry: past and future

15 December 2013 | By Christos Georgakis, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Systems Research Institute for Chemical and Biological Processes, Tufts University and Gregory M. Troup, Merck Research Laboratories, Merck & Co., Inc

Process Systems Engineering (PSE) has had a profound impact in the chemical, petroleum and petrochemical industry in the last 30 - 40 years. Even though PSE has already started to make a significant impact on the pharmaceutical industry, there are substantial additional benefits that can be derived. The purpose of…

Next generation sequencing: Using RNAseq to identify anti-cancer targets in the tumour vasculature

15 December 2013 | By Klarke M. Sample and Roy Bicknell, University of Birmingham

It is possible to attack the vasculature within solid tumours and achieve an anti-cancer effect. In the last decade, a number of studies have utilised cDNA libraries, SAGE analysis and microarrays to identify potential drug targets in the tumour endothelium. Modern sequencing technologies are likely to be a far more…

Improving revenue: Finding the right talent (part 2)

18 November 2013 | By Dr Kevin Robinson

The response to a lack of skilled managers is often to take a ‘sticking plaster’ approach to the problem by deciding to take on one or two pricing managers and have them report into the commercial or finance team. Experience to date shows that this will have limited success, for…

Improving revenue: Finding the right talent (part 1)

5 November 2013 | By Dr Kevin Robinson

Few markets have undergone the degree of change experienced by the life sciences sector in recent years. The end of the blockbuster drug era, the increasing cost of product development and a growing population putting greater strain on healthcare services around the world have combined at a time when economic…

Omega-3 to the rescue

28 October 2013 | By Dr Kevin Robinson

End-users, be they patients or consumers, are taking a good look at the cardiovascular benefits of omega-3s … and tend to like what they see.

PCR In-Depth Focus 2013

25 October 2013 | By

In this PCR In-Depth Focus: Challenges for qRT-PCR in detecting / quantifying microRNA in vitro and in vivo; Emerging clinical applications of digital PCR; Workshop Preview: Advanced 3d cell based assays, preparation, analysis and troubleshooting...

Raman spectroscopy In-Depth Focus 2013

25 October 2013 | By

In this Raman spectroscopy In-Depth Focus: Raw material identification using dual laser handheld Raman spectroscopy; Raman spectroscopy in support of biotherapeutic production: applications in protein formulation and purification; Raman Spectroscopy Roundtable...

Innovation showcase at CPhI Awards 2013

25 October 2013 | By Dr Kevin Robinson

It doesn’t seem to matter what the industry is or, indeed, what the event is these days, the same question pops up at regular intervals: where’s the innovation? I’m happy to report that innovation is very much alive and well in the pharmaceutical industry and was on show to the…

India announces expanded pharma growth at CPhI

25 October 2013 | By Dr Kevin Robinson

CPhI Worldwide 2013: eight halls, more than 30,000 attendees from 140 countries and 2200 exhibitors. The “world's leading pharmaceutical networking event,” colocated with ICSE, P-MEC and InnoPack, was back in Frankfurt, Germany, and my mission was to find a single coherent take-home message...

ICH Q3D: Metal Impurities: A Critical Evaluation

22 October 2013 | By David Elder, JPAG and GlaxoSmithKline / Andrew Teasdale, JPAG chairman and AstraZeneca

Historically, control over metal impurities has been achieved via pharmacopoeial heavy metals limit tests, e.g. United States Pharmacopeia (USP) .

Practical considerations in analysing biologically active peptides by Electrospray Ionisation (ESI) Mass Spectrometry

22 October 2013 | By Birthe V. Nielsen, Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Greenwich

Neuromodulators such as calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) act as biomarkers for pain assessment (pre-clinical). These markers can be detected at low concentrations by Electrospray Ionisation (ESI) Mass Spectrometry (MS). Currently, little is known about the factors affecting responsiveness in the ESI process though the response…

Informatics: The use of LIMS in the management of translational research and pilot manufacturing operations

22 October 2013 | By Diana Russom (Department of Information Technology Systems, Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope) / Amira Ahmed and Nancy Gonzalez (Laboratory for Cellular Medicine, Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope) / David L. DiGiusto (Laboratory for Cellular Medicine and Department of Virology, Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope)

The volume of data generated in modern medical research centres is growing exponentially and becoming more diverse as advancements in automation and biotechnology transform the basic operations of these laboratories and clinics. Patient care and laboratory instrumentation generate data at a rate that rapidly outpaces the ability to track and…

Biomarkers for cancer treatment

22 October 2013 | By Amancio Carnero, Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

There is an urgent need to predict which treatment will report the most benefit to a patient with cancer. To that end, scientists are exploring any possible biomolecule in the organism that can mark each individual for its adequate treatment. If achieved, it will open a personalised medicine era.