
Issue 5, 2018

In this issue: LC-MS multi-attribute methods for the characterising and QC testing therapeutics, integrating data from Quality Control and Production to enable fast and informed decisions, and Solid-state NMR spectroscopy: using freeze drying to predict the stability of biological products.

European Pharmaceutical Review issue 5 2018 magazine

In this issue:

  • Mutagenic Impurities: a done deal?
    Dave Elder, JPAG member and David P Elder Consultancy
  • REGULATORY INSIGHT: Brexit – will all the medicines get to the patients?
    Paul Gershlick, Partner and Head of Pharma & Life Sciences 
  • MICROBIOLOGY: Learning from clinical microbiologists – culturomics and metagenomics 
    Jeanne Moldenhauer Excellent Pharma Consulting, Inc. Mundelein, IL 
  • LAB INFORMATICS: Integrating data from QC and Production to enable fast, informed decisions
    Sinéad Cowman, EU Business Development Manager, Informatics, Lonza
  • SPECTROSCOPY: NIR inspection of each tablet that exits a tablet press
    Ryan Gosselin, Department of Chemical and Biotechnological Engineering, Pfizer Industrial Research Chair, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
  • FREEZE DRYING: Solid-state NMR spectroscopy: predicting stability in lyophilised biological products
    Ashley Lay and Eric J. Munson, University of Kentucky and Yongchao Su, Merck & Co.
  • GUIDE TO SERIES: Outsourcing


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