
Separations & Purifications In-Depth Focus 2018

In this issue: the role of bioptherapeutics in curing a range of diseases, and is supercritical fluid chromatography applicable to achiral separations?

Separations and Purifications In-Depth Focus 2018
  • Workflow solutions for Biopharma (part one)
    The development of therapeutic drugs to cure disease has been a significant achievement for mankind, and has increased both life expectancy and the quality of lives across the world. The range of drugs that has been developed is widespread and addresses ailments from a simple cold to cancer.
  • Is supercritical fluid chromatography applicable to achiral separations?
    Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography (RPLC) is the well-established technique of choice for impurity isolations and achiral purification. However, Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) has built upon its success within the chiral arena and in the past few years has started to challenge RPLC as the ‘go-to technique’ for routine analytical and preparative achiral work.

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