Issue #1 2017 – Digital version
Posted: 22 February 2017 | European Pharmaceutical Review | 3 comments
Read the free-to-view digital version of the latest issue of European Pharmaceutical Review…

- REGULATORY INSIGHT: The British Pharmacopoeia – in 2017 and beyond
James Pound, British Pharmacopoeia - IN-DEPTH FOCUS: Formulation Development & Drug Delivery In-Depth Focus
- PAT SERIES: Quality by Design for generic products: opportunities and challenges
Part 2: Process monitoring and control
Patrick Crowley, Callum Consultancy and Sean McCrossen, IEXA100 Consulting - IN-DEPTH FOCUS: NIR
- LAW & ETHICS: Drawing the boundaries of data disclosure in clinical trials
Maria Isabel Manley and Grant Strachan, Bristows LLP - IN-DEPTH FOCUS: Biopharmaceutical Development & Processing
- GUIDE TO QA/QC Instrumentation
The digital version of Issue #1 2017 is restricted - login or subscribe free to access
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very usefull magazine
I envisioned the digital version would allow me to download the issue to PC so I could read without getting online. Is that the case?
Many thanks for all the opprtunities.