Raman Spectroscopy: In-Depth Focus 2014
Posted: 5 November 2014 | European Pharmaceutical Review
Sulaf Assi discusses the investigation of medicine quality using handheld Raman spectroscopy, a look at Raman hyperspectral imaging, plus Raman roundtable…

- Investigating the quality of medicines using handheld Raman spectroscopy
Sulaf Assi, Associate Lecturer, Forensic Sciences, Bournemouth University
Poor-quality medicines represent a potential public health threat ranging from ineffectiveness to, in the worst cases, death. Such medicines could be encountered anywhere which urges the need to find rapid and nondestructive methods for their identification. Handheld Raman spectroscopy offers a rapid, quick, non-destructive and mobile technique for medicines’ identification. Moreover, the Raman scattering is selective to active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs); whereas excipients are often Raman-inactive… - Raman hyperspectral imaging: a single tool to characterise pharmaceutical products
Lauranne Netchacovitch, Charlotte De Bleye, Pierre-François Chavez, Pierre-Yves Sacré, Philippe Hubert and Eric Ziemons, Scientists at Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, CIRM, Department of Pharmacy, University of Liege
Raman hyperspectral imaging is an increasingly used tool in the pharmaceutical field because it allows for the investigation of many characteristics on a solid sample. This paper delves into Raman spectroscopy and imaging, including spectral and spatial information, and presents some applications of Raman hyperspectral imaging in the pharmaceutical field… - Roundtable
Moderator: Bradley Diehl, Manager – PAT Projects, Pfizer, Inc
With contributions from Robert C. Brush (Business Development Manager, Thermo Scientific), Katherine A. Bakeev (Director – Application Support Services, B&W Tek), Richard Streamer (Business Development Manager, Rigaku), Andrew Owen (Applications Manager, Cobalt Light Systems)
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B&W Tek, Bournemouth University, Cobalt Light Systems, Ocean Optics, Pfizer, Rigaku, Thermo Fisher Scientific, University of Liege
If your interested visit http://www.renishaw.com/en/raman-spectroscopy-explained–25801 for a nice introduction to Raman.
I am interested in raman spectroscopy