
Raman Spectroscopy In-Depth Focus 2014

Posted: 10 April 2014 |

In this Raman Spectroscopy In-Depth Focus 2014: Raman spectroscopy in the study of pharmaceuticals: the problems and solutions to sub-sampling and data analysis; Conformational state analysis of proteins by Raman spectroscopy: univariate and multivariate methods; Raman Roundtable…

Raman In-Depth Focus 2014
  • Raman spectroscopy in the study of pharmaceuticals: the problems and solutions to sub-sampling and data analysis
    (Authors: Sara J. Fraser and Keith C. Gordon, Department of Chemistry and MacDiarmid Institute, University of Otago)
    In this article we introduce two important aspects with relevance to Raman spectroscopy; firstly, a number of new techniques, including wide-angle illumination, spatially offset Raman spectroscopy and transmission Raman that are now being implemented, are described along with some important issues around sampling volumes in these techniques. Secondly, we describe the use of chemometrics in analysis of Raman data in pharmaceutical applications…
  • Conformational state analysis of proteins by Raman spectroscopy: univariate and multivariate methods
    (Authors: Sigrid Pieters and Yvan Vander Heyden, Department of Analytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Thomas De Beer, Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Process Analytical Technology, Ghent University)
    Together with the growing popularity of Process Analytical Technology (PAT), the (bio)pharmaceutical industry has started to recognise the benefits of multivariate data analysis (MVA), often combined with molecular spectroscopy. This article reflects upon the favourable joint use of Raman spectroscopy and MVA for protein conformational analysis and also briefly reviews the alternative univariate approach…
  • Raman Roundtable
    (Participants: Jack Zhou, Chief Operating Officer, B&W Tek / Ian Hayward, Raman Marketing Operations Manager, Renishaw / Harald Fischer, Marketing Director, WITec / Michael W. Allen, Director – Marketing & Product Development, Ocean Optics Inc.)
    Moderated by Colin Cao, Principal Scientist, Amgen Inc.

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