RMMs & Environmental Monitoring In-Depth Focus 2013
Posted: 21 August 2013 | European Pharmaceutical Review
In this RMMs & Environmental Monitoring In-Depth Focus: The rapid microbiological methods revolution; Controlling contamination in the pharmaceutical industry; Rapid Micro Methods Roundtable…

- The rapid microbiological methods revolution
(Emanuele Selvaggio, QA Batch disposition & Investigation Supervisor, Pfizer)
Microbiology was officially born in 1676 when a Dutch tradesman and scientist from Delft, the Netherlands, observed bacteria and other microorganisms for the first time using a single-lens microscope of his own design. Almost two centuries later, a German biologist called Robert Koch founded modern bacteriology and microbiology. In the 1850s at the University of Breslau, Ferdinand Cohn’s main research tool was a large and expensive microscope that his father had bought for him. In the 1850s, he studied the growth and division of plant cells and he proved that the use of liquid media was disadvantageous for isolating pure culture. He was determined to find an alternative technique and introduced the gelatine liquid culture media to be poured on sterilised glass plates to solidify for the first time… - Controlling contamination in the pharmaceutical industry
(Chris Delaney, Cleanroom/GMP Specialist, Noonan Services Group)
In Ireland and across Europe, the traditional manufacturing sectors have seen major declines in output and there has being a fall in the numbers employed in this sector. However, one area that has seen growth is the pharmaceutical industry. In Ireland, the economy is very dependent on the pharmaceutical industry and the industry currently accounts for over 50 per cent of the country’s exports… - Rapid Micro Methods Roundtable
(Carrene Plummer, Director, Quality and Regulatory Affairs, Azbil BioVigilant, Inc. / Ulrich Herber, Senior European Product Manager, Endotoxin and Microbial Detection Service, Charles River / Jörg Stappert, Manager, Biochip Group, Greiner Bio-One GmbH / Darrick Niccum, Senior Global Product Manager – Biotechnology, TSI)
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Related topics
Cleanrooms, Environmental Monitoring, QA/QC, Rapid Microbiological Methods (RMMs)
Related organisations
Azbil BioVigilant, bioMérieux, Charles River, Greiner Bio-One, Noonan Services Group, Pfizer, Rapid Micro Biosystems, TSI Inc.
Related people
Carrene Plummer, Chris Delaney, Darrick Niccum, Dr Ulrich Herber, Emanuele Selvaggio, Jörg Stappert