
QA/QC & Analytical Techniques In-Depth Focus 2021

In this in-depth focus, discover why testing for heavy metal contaminants in cannabis vaping aerosols is a pressing need, how using trending charts to monitor inventory movements could benefit pharma, the regulatory requirements for analytical balances operating in GMP and GLP laboratories and the different HPLC methods available for oligonucleotide analysis.

QAQC Analytical Techniques

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    • Measurement of heavy metals in cannabis vaping aerosols: a practical assessment
      In light of the increased popularity of cannabis vaping in the United States, new regulations in the state of Colorado assert the need to test for heavy metal contaminants. Here, Robert Thomas explains the reasons for this pressing need and the challenges it presents.
    • Implementation of trending charts in analysis of inventory pattern
      Information is king – and real-time data regarding material stock movements is essential for effective inventory management. Here, Mostafa Eissa from Cairo University demonstrates the use of statistical processing control techniques for monitoring material mobility and how this could benefit the pharma industry.
    • Balancing regulations for weighing in a GMP quality control laboratory
      The importance of analytical balances in laboratory operations demands that they be fit for purpose over the operating range and acceptance criteria specified in the laboratory user requirements specification. In this article, Bob McDowall, Director of R D McDowall Limited, discusses the regulatory requirements for analytical balances operating in GMP and GLP laboratories and discusses how to solve some of the data integrity issues that can arise from their use.
    • Optimising analytical separations of synthetic RNA with modified HPLC
      Oligonucleotides are diverse in nature, with a wide range of applications. Here, Dr Anastassia Kanavarioti and Dr Sandra Rontree explore the challenges of oligonucleotide analysis in the life sciences sector and outline the different HPLC methods available for the job.