Manufacturing, Packaging & Logistics In-Depth Focus 2020
Posted: 22 June 2020 | European Pharmaceutical Review | No comments yet
Included in this in-depth focus are articles on why digitalising the pharma supply chain could prevent inefficiencies and how packaging design can improve patient engagement and adherence.

- The circuit of life: saving on manufacturing, waste and delivery-related supply chain inefficiencies
Many pharmaceutical companies have complicated supply chains that are inefficient and ill-equipped to deal with current demands. This article explores how digitalising the healthcare supply chain can address the pharmaceutical sector’s increasing financial-, capacity- and waste-related strains associated with our ageing population and the soaring costs of new treatments. - Focusing on the user – improving patient adherence through packaging design
In an industry faced with numerous regulatory hurdles, the end-user experience can often be neglected. Nikki Withers spoke to two packaging design experts who discuss their approach to pharmaceutical packaging and why they always have the end user at the forefront of their minds.
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