Expert view: rFC as a continuation of historical LAL paradigms
Posted: 20 February 2020 | Hyglos-bioMerieux | No comments yet
Any envisioning of ‘the future’ of testing contains elements extrapolated from the past.
There are three main elements that predict a positive outcome for recombinant Factor C (rFC) that require very little extrapolation:
(i) the advent of biotechnology and the replacement of animal proteins via the cloning of the necessary animal genes (insulin, growth hormone, etc) and production in bioreactors via single-celled organisms has given us advanced medicines and cures for many diseases and thus serves as a successful paradigm for replacement
(ii) the specificity, sensitivity and expanded utility of using rFC methods has already been demonstrated
(iii) the continued use of horseshoe crabs as harvested from limited geographical locations is not sustainable, and pharmaceutical manufacturers will want to prepare for such a change.