
The 9 validation steps required for thermal analysis method validation in an analytical laboratory

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2 December 2015

Supported by:

2 December 2015

Mettler Toledo webinar feature image

In analytical laboratories, most analyses are nowadays performed using computerised measurement systems. A validation process can be used to demonstrate fitness for purpose of the system before starting the experiments.

In this webinar, we discuss the basic principles of validation, from equipment qualification and computerised system validation through to analytical method validation.

Keynote speaker

Nicolas Fedelich, Senior Applications Specialist, Thermal Analysis

Fedelich NicolasNicolas Fedelich is an application specialist for thermal analysis at Mettler Toledo. With a background of chemical engineering in France, he worked in different laboratories to implement, develop and validate analytical methods in the pharmaceutical and environmental fields. Before joining Mettler-Toledo, Nicolas Fedelich worked for three years as field support for on-site training and to ensure customers satisfaction by advising them on their applications. In 2009 he joined Mettler-Toledo AG and has worked there since as application specialist for Thermal Analysis. In his present position he uses, teaches and supports DSC, TGA, TMA and DMA instruments.


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One response to “The 9 validation steps required for thermal analysis method validation in an analytical laboratory”

  1. masoomeh says:

    Thanks for sharing information in this useful way. I would like to participate.
    warm regards

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