
BGMA and MHRA come together for Quality Forum

The British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) will stage the next meeting of its Quality Forum – in conjunction with the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) – on Wednesday, July 8th.

The BGMA represents the interests of UK-based manufacturers and suppliers of generic medicines and promotes the development and understanding of the generic medicines industry in the United Kingdom.

The Quality Forum was launched last year with the MHRA to focus on ensuring the manufacturing quality of generic medicines in the UK. The group meets three times a year to share and discuss the latest issues and provide an open channel between industry and the regulator.

The forum brings together generic medicines companies, those who provide manufacturing and quality control services, as well as the MHRA. Topics covered have included data integrity, current approaches to inspection, trends and the auditing that companies perform themselves.

Next Quality Form will include updates on the Falsified Medicines Directive

The next meeting will feature updates on the Falsified Medicines Directive, advice on avoiding cross contamination as well as a focus on elemental impurities. There will also be an update from the European Generics Association (EGA) on their work into good clinical practice (GCP).

Paul Fleming, the BGMA’s Technical Director, said, “There are a number of important industry activities and regulatory updates which will be impacting both at a UK and European level and it is vital that companies are able to meet with the MHRA to discuss challenges and best practice. This forum is now well established as an important means for sharing of information.”

The forum is open to members and associate members of the BGMA. Full information is available on the website

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