Roche investing in Kaiseraugst
Posted: 18 September 2014 | | No comments yet
Roche announced that it is planning to invest more than half a billion Swiss francs in buildings and infrastructure projects at Kaiseraugst…

Today Roche announced that it is planning to invest more than half a billion Swiss francs in buildings and infrastructure projects at Kaiseraugst. The investments will be used to build four new IT buildings and two new service buildings, to expand parking facilities and to upgrade the site infrastructure.
“Roche Kaiseraugst is becoming ever more important,” said Jürg Erismann, Head of the Roche Basel/Kaiseraugst site. “This investment marks a further step in Roche Kaiseraugst’s development into a cornerstone of Roche’s global production and logistics network and its biggest IT center worldwide. These investments in Kaiseraugst are further clear testimony of our commitment to the region.”
“Constructing a new, modern hub for IT demonstrates the strategic role that modern information technology plays at Roche. Bringing all our IT functions together under one roof will strengthen both their power of innovation and ability to work together,” stated Alan Hippe, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Information Officer of Roche.
Since 2008, the number of employees in Kaiseraugst has risen by over 60% to approximately 1,850. This number is expected to grow to more than 3,500 employees by 2017.
New office buildings for IT
Some CHF 287 million are being invested in the construction of the four new five-floor IT office buildings, which will create space for about 1,300 employees, who are currently spread across different locations in Basel and Kaiseraugst. The first two buildings should be ready for occupation at the end of 2016, the second two by the start of the third quarter of 2017.
Two service buildings and extensive green areas
Around CHF 85 million are being invested in the two new service buildings. They will have a basement car park and wil be surrounded by a green park area. They will be completed by the beginning of the third quarter of 2017.
The first service building will become Roche Kaiseraugst’s new reception building. This will include a generously sized reception area, a café, gym and Roche Shop. The second service building will house a visitor center and three auditoria.
The official start of construction depends on official approval procedures, and is likely to be in March 2015.
Expansion of car parking and infrastructure
The growth in employee numbers also requires expanding the available car parking facilities. Consequently, a further CHF 80 million will be invested in the expansion of the existing covered car park and in the planned basement car park.
To facilitate the further expansion of the eastern part of the site, a further CHF 115 million will be invested in upgrading the site infrastructure. The work covered will include expansion of energy and media generation, the underground distribution of these services, landscaping and a new traffic management system.
Wurmisweg incorporated into the Roche site
As part of the development activities described above, Roche will be incorporating Wurmisweg, currently a public road, into the site. The motorway bridge at the end of this road will not be usable as of 2016. To compensate for this, Sagerweg, at the western end of the site, will be extended by the addition of a new bridge over the A3 motorway. Construction work is scheduled to begin in February 2015 and the new bridge in Sagerweg should open in December 2015.